Hey Family!

Aunt Judy and I were recently chatting, and she presented a fantastic idea that I want to run with: “Why don’t we use a format similar to ‘The Game’ to collect family stories?”

Knowing about my family and heritage has been near and dear to my heart for a while now, and I know I’m not alone in this. Well, what if we were to collect these stories that span the generations in a way that is easily accessible and not intimidating? Maybe even fun? Let’s chat about who does have the best potato salad and maybe even recall that time Uncle Scott laid down with a baby doll to point out to Rachel that he wasn’t scary and that, “See, we look a lot alike”?

Let the tales begin!

Family Stories quick link.

What’s up:

Each one of you will be able to share your favorite/random family stories and add onto any that have already been submitted. You may also ask general questions directed at everyone or post a particular question for a particular person. It is my hope that as we all share, our memories will be jogged and that we ask some things we have always been curious about.

The means:

  1. Each one of you will be asked to submit a memory or a question (use form link given below) and give it a title. If you want to add a memory to one that has already been submitted, include the title for that memory.

    Kind of like:

    Six Flags” and the memory given, “I loved going down Splash Mountain!” You could share a memory as short as this or it could be numerous paragraphs or pages long. It is up to you.

    Or how about:

    “Favorite Tunes” and “Grandma, what was your favorite song growing up and why?”

  2. Once you submit your memory or question, I will upload it to the website for everyone to read. I will keep updating all that is submitted on a weekly, if not daily basis, so be sure to check in from time to time. Keep me busy! ;)

  3. What you all share will be organized by titles which will make for easier reading and further contribution.

  4. We do not have a hard and fast deadline for this memory collection, but let’s roughly shoot for having these stories collected by the end of summer. The sooner we start, the more memories we will be able to collect, so don’t be shy.

Of note:

All of your stories will be kept on hidden pages which are not accessible by the general public. I’m going to ask that you keep track of your password to access this information. Please keep it private. I know you all have some wild stories to share. Ha!

~I really hope this ends up being fun for each and every one of you. Something like a family history is such a massive thing to tackle, but I hope this will serve as a lovely way to ease into it. Be goofy. Be serious. But let’s share! XOXO~
