Five Words.
A Gift for You.
This next activity will be quite personal. Receive the sweetness spoken by family and/or friends.
The Request:
Today, I would like for you to reach out to two people you care about. Ask them to describe you in five words.
While You Wait:
I encourage you to do the following things:
1. I would like for you to journal about what five words you would pick for yourself.
2. Once selected, think about whether you picked them based on who you think you are or how you think you are perceived. Notice if you were kind toward yourself in your descriptors. How fully do you believe you are walking in these various things?
Once Received:
After you have received your answers, I encourage you to respond to these questions:
1. Were you surprised by what you read?
2. If so, why? Were you surprised negatively or positively?
3. Were these descriptors in line with what you wrote about yourself? If “yes,” do you have satisfaction in this, or do you feel put in a box by yourself and others? If “no,” do you think you may have some gifts you aren’t fully acknowledging? Or, could you potentially be hiding?
How others view us and how we view ourselves pales in comparison and weight with how God views us. For some added encouragement, click here.
Of Note:
You will be receiving ten words from two people. Remember this. Remember that none of us can be fully summarized in ten words. We have infinite facets. And so, the weight put on these responses needs to be just what it is. Look at these responses as encouragement and tools.
Things to think about:
It is harder to “see” what we are familiar with. Ruts are easy to fall into, and they are not always easy to get out of. But this is what we are doing in this course. We are pausing and looking at things in a new way. We are asking questions, and we are making discoveries. So much of creativity is simply the decided collection and release of observation.