Full Circle.
What’s in a year?
I have never been one to naturally go at a slow and steady pace. I am a jumper first and a sprinter second; when I had finally done enough slow running to do a 5k, it was a pretty big deal.
Yet in this next activity, I am asking you to sign up for an ultra marathon. But this ultra marathon is going to be run over the course of years and one little step at a time.
Items Needed:
1. A pen or pencil
2. Paper
3. Artsy stuff
4. A folder or special drawer.
Today may be the day.
For this activity, I am asking you to select a date on your calendar —just one date a year. Commit to drawing either your favorite plant or a tree, and commit to writing a paragraph every year on this same day. Put it in your phone and make an alert.
You may write about whatever you would like. Some may choose to write about how they feel that day. Some may want to do a summary of the year. Some may want to see what inspiration hits them from year to year.
Keep this drawing and paragraph together. Sign them and date them, and once completed, tuck them away into a folder or a drawer. Do this every year.
Every five years, I would also like for you to reflect on what was drawn and written the five years prior. Take a look at your drawings. Was there a year you simply did a quick pencil sketch or were you able to really develop your drawing? Were you in the midst of many life changes? Was your writing a bit aimless or was it determined and specific? Was there a year your plant was full of color and bursting with life? Was this also reflected in your personal life? Was your writing hurried or were you full of ideas and joy?
Include this observational write up about the previous five years with your yearly drawings and paragraphs.
As time unfolds, this collection may become a treasure you can pass along to the next generation. Or, this could serve as an activity used to build relationship. Encourage a young one in your life to pursue this along with you. Maybe a friend? Or simply collect these items for your personal reflection. Let your creativity run free!
The Passing of Time.
A life is made up of seconds and days —years and decades. Observe the minute and the big picture. Let them come together, and pull them apart. Seasons will come and go. After winter? Spring. Dark and dawn. Hope, vision, and purpose. Collect a beautiful picture of life, and allow the passing of time to enrich and encourage. Your life is a gift. Fully embrace it, and seek out the meaning of your days.