Full of Life.


Take a moment to look back over what you wrote for the “Thoughts; Treasures” activity.

How do you feel? Are you feeling up to a new challenge, or are things still settling?

What is outlined in the activity below could take you on a mellow path, or on one that rockets you forward. Be kind to yourself as you decide what you would like to do next. These muscles you have exercised for these activities are like any other: The more frequently you use them, the more reps and weight can be withstood. If today is simply a rest day, realize this is also part of your growth as a creative.

The Paths:

1. Rest

For those who have felt a great deal of stretching and would like a bit of a slow down.

2. Build

Revisit an element from “A House for Your Home“ with either a different technique or color scheme. Or, use the same technique and color scheme to create something new.

3. Challenge

Do the thing you avoided.

4. Dig

For those who like to unearth.

Potential Items Needed:

1. A pen or pencil

2. Paper

3. Artsy stuff

Remember, if you need some inspiration, check out You’ve Got Style or Tools, Tools, Tools.

Path One: Rest.


Describe your favorite room in your house. Keep it simple. Is it a large room? Is there furniture? Is it almost empty? How does it make you feel?



Do some super quick drawings of what is around you. Choose whatever elements you would like to draw, and draw each element three times. Draw three books, three chairs, etc. Enjoy the freedom of easy movement.

Path Two: Build.

Think style, technique, and color.

What did you enjoy from “A House for your Home?” Expand on that. Did you love working with watercolors? Try another. It could be another watercolor of your same house, or you could paint something entirely different. Did you draw very technically? Try loosening up. Did you love using bright colors? Draw or paint something from your surroundings with this same aesthetic. Take what you have learned and take yet another step forward.

Path Three: Challenge.

Do the thing you avoided. You’ll know what this is.

Path Four: Dig.

Inspiration, comfort, challenge.

You were invited to write about these three things in the “Thoughts; Treasures” activity. Choose one, and expand your thoughts about how this particular thing plays out in your life.

For example, how do you seek inspiration, comfort, or challenge? Would you like more of it? What keeps you from this? What draws you to it? Why do you think this particular word stands out to you right now?




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