Hearts and Minds.
Your Story:
You are exploring this creativity workshop for a reason. Think about that. Something drew you in this direction, at this time, and that is very exciting.
My Story:
It has taken years for me to realize my tendencies —to actually realize (at least in part) what I do and why. We are all so complex, and so many elements are constantly at play: past experiences, current circumstances, what we believe about ourselves, what we believe about God, what we think others believe about us, and the like.
These things play a huge part in our creativity —at least, this is what I have found.
I am creative, yet over the years, I have vacillated between extremes. I can tend to avoid any intentional engagement in this seemingly frivolous release. How? Through the pursuit of mundane tasks. I organize, because no one has the time to draw and paint and such things. At other times, the blank paper stares back at me, and it’s a bit too much to tackle. Small steps feel a waste. I want to get there yesterday, and I take no time to think about the ant that builds one grain of sand at a time.
But also this:
The year 2020? A show. And what about also writing a book? And producing dozens and dozens of pieces ranging from large paintings, to framed photography, and a crazy mix of prints? All in about six months.
I have learned much as I have wrestled between “under” and “over” performing over the years.
Some take aways:
Avoidance is very telling.
That first step is easier than you may think.
We need to breathe.
New and uncomfortable is wonderful, but take it easy.
Be gracious with yourself!
We can play!
You are Ready:
Throughout this course, we are going to do little exercises, and we are slowly going to build. We’re going to look at our surroundings and appreciate the simple joys in life. We are not going to demand masterpieces. We are going to take in, and we are going to release. Let your mind and heart soar, for there is much to receive.