QUick Slow. Slow Quick.
Eat your veggies, but first…
Today, we are going to do continuous line drawings, and you are going to need to raid your vegetable drawer.
When you signed up for this creativity course, you may have had an idea of whether or not you could draw. Let these continuous line drawings help you look at drawing in a different way. These drawings are going to have a very distinct look, which I particularly love. Embrace those greens!
Things Needed:
1. Three different vegetables. They can all be the same type of vegetable, or each could be something different.
If you do not have three different vegetables to draw, your assignment is to make a grocery run. ;)
2. Paper and some type of writing utensil
The Exercise:
1. Place your vegetables on the kitchen table and choose the simplest or your favorite to start.
2. Now, draw your entire veggie without picking up your pen.
This may seem a bit strange at first, but embrace the different look of these marks. You have permission to go back over any line you want to make the shape you would like and to add embellishments. Take advantage of this.
3. Draw your other two vegetables in the same manner.
4. Now, draw each one of them again. Play and see what variations you can come up with!
5. Next, arrange your vegetables together on the table in a way that you would like to draw all of them, and draw your vegetables in their new arrangement. For this one, you may pick up your pen between each vegetable drawing.
You could place them in a bowl, stack them together, or line all of them up next to each other.
Draw the entire composition without picking up your pen. You are going to have lines that travel from one vegetable to the next. Fortunately, this isn’t a coloring book. Mark outside those lines!
Shift and Build:
Now that you are familiar with some of the contents in your fridge, think about something you would like to make with your selected ingredient(s). Take your time. Dig out an old recipe book or open up your list of “must tries” that you have had on your computer or phone for months or years. (Resist looking for something new; you probably already have a ton you have saved!)
As you prep your recipe, think about the gift of your current space. Think about the gift of this food before you. Bon appétit!
If you do not have the time to make your choice recipe tonight, schedule a time for some time in the next week; sooner if your veggies are looking a little wilty.
Of Note:
These drawings can be done relatively quickly, which can be very satisfying. If you ever find yourself taking a break, instead of endlessly scrolling through your phone, engage your mind and do a few of these drawings.