We dream. THREAD, The Blue Edition
A story in time:
There has been more than enough. Slow and quick. Collecting thoughts. What was reached and discovered in Spring 2020 could not help but take drastic shifts in content and form. In the midst of all of the time, it was slowed down. Production? A crawl. I stretched like the rest. I observed and engaged, but much felt as if from behind and inaccessible. Then sped. Fury and flurry. As the heat presses on, torrents of thought rush and with them bring more. THREAD, The Blue Edition.

The Blue Edition
THREAD —a story.
The water seems deep. We have needed to dig, and so…
Chapter One:
For the full story, click each image.
Chapter Two:
For the full story, click each image.
Chapter Three:
For the full story, click each image.
Chapter Four:
For the full story, click each image.
Select prints from this collection are now available.