Thoughts; Treasures.

Let’s Collect:

You recently completed or started work on “House with a Story,” and you have hopefully started or completed an image from the activity outlined in “A House for Your Home.” Now, observe what has been done (or what caused you to get stuck) and write up some of your thoughts.

I hope these questions awaken you to what is before you and what has potentially been hiding. Sometimes, our answers are right before us; we just need to take a second look.

Things Needed:

1. Pen or pencil

2. Paper


Please write your responses to the following questions, and expand as you see fit:

1. Which activity was easier for you? “House with a Story,” or “A House for your Home?" Were you surprised by this? If so, why?

2. What was the main push behind your writing and art choices? Or, were there multiple things inspiring you?

For example, was it play? The feeling of freedom? Was it comfort? Was it curiosity? Was it an article you read? Was it an old memory? Was it a piece of art you had seen at a museum?

3. In what ways did you stay in your comfort zone with writing? With art?

What would it look like to take yourself out of your comfort zone in these areas? Would you write something with a little more length? Would you write something more realistic? Less realistic? Would you use wild colors for your picture, or would you challenge yourself to draw something more lifelike?

4. Was there anything that sparked your interest enough for you to pursue it in the future?

Would you like to write more poetry? Create more fantastically colored pastel drawings? Could you spend hours drawing a detailed pencil sketch? Or, could you spend weeks developing an entire plot line for your mystery novel?


5. Did you feel a flow with your art and writing, or did you get frustrated with one of them or both? If you felt a flow, what element, in particular, caused you to thrive? If you felt frustrated or stuck, what seemed to cause this? Was it your expectations? Was it time constraints? To help remedy any setbacks, what steps could you take?

6. If you tended to move through these activities very casually, in what ways could you have taken your writing or art more seriously? If you tend to take yourself very seriously, in what ways could you have enjoyed these activities a bit more and let loose?

We Rest.

Answering these questions may have brought up some interesting things to think about. Breathe a bit, and let what has been discovered assimilate.




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